Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Haiku San Diego New Website!

Haiku San Diego has a 

New Website!

Please press


for Haiku San Diego's new website

then bookmark it so you can visit us again!

Thank you!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

June 9, 2013, Regular Meeting of Haiku San Diego

In a regularly scheduled meeting on June 9, 2013, members of Haiku San Diego met to explore the concepts and aesthetics of wabi, sabi, and wabi-sabi during an interactive workshop.  Attendees: Anita Guenin, Seretta Martin, Elizabeth Yahn Williams, Robert Lundy, Stevie Strang, Dave Strang, Carol Judkins, and Naia.

Naia brought objects and photographs, and everyone spent time considering each item. We explored the kinds of inner responses we experienced and then wrote and shared haiku. As is customary during our monthly meetings, attendees participated in an anonymous haiku workshop. 

We were so happy to finally greet in person Carol Judkins, who joined our meeting for the first time.(Photos courtesy of Stevie Strang. Thank you, Stevie!)

Haiku San Diego meets regularly on the second Sunday of each month, 12:30p-2:30p at Open Door Books in the Pacific Beach area of San Diego. If you're a haiku poet or are interested in haiku and live near or are planning to visit the San Diego area, we'd love to have you join us!

April 14, 2013, Regular Meeting of Haiku San Diego

Members of Haiku San Diego met on April 14, 2013, and were pleased to welcome to our meeting Michael L. Evans, visiting haiku poet from Washington state.

Michael read a selection of his haiku and then chatted about his philosophy, what inspires him, and the techniques he uses and/or appreciates in others' haiku. Haiku San Diego members enjoyed exploring approaches in both writing and reading/appreciating haiku during this interactive session.

As always, the second half of our meeting was spent participating in an Anonymous Haiku Workshop, where members submitted haiku they're working on and received insights and feedback from the group.

Attendees: Bhasha Leonard, Laurie Eivet, Lynda Riese, Maggi Roark, Anita Guenin, Naia, Deborah P. Kolodji, and guests Michael L. Evans and Sandy Plass.

Note: HSD's regular May meeting is canceled as it falls on Mothers' Day. Next regular HSD meeting: Sunday, June 9, 2013.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Meeting Sunday 6/11/2012


Meeting and Workshop
Greg Longenecker, editor
2012 Southern California Haiku Study Group Anthology

Sunday, June 10, 12:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Open Door Books
4761 Cass Street, San Diego
(Pacific Beach: corner of Cass & Missouri)

Greg Longenecker
 Our new editor for the Southern California Haiku Study Group Anthology will present an informative talk on the 17th Century Japanese master Basho: His Life and haiku.  
old pond . . .
a frog jumps into
the sound of water
    --Matsuo Basho (trans., Jane Reichhold)

The presentation will be followed by an anonymous comment and critique session of work-in-progress. Please bring recently written haiku if you wish to participate. The goal of this session is to help you cultivate your haiku-mind, one that seeks to capture those epiphanic moments of awareness that arise from our everyday lives.

Matsuo Basho
17th Century haiku master

Friday, March 23, 2012

Call for Submissions



Each year the Haiku Society of America publishes an anthology of haiku and senryu by members, edited and produced by one or more editors appointed by the executive committee. Members who submit work are guaranteed to have one poem selected for publication. The editor for 2012 is Billie Dee.

Deadline: In hand by May 31, 2012.

Theme: "The Sensate World."

Eligibility: All HSA members.
Submissions:  Submit five to ten unpublished or previously published haiku and/or senryu. Our editor, Billie Dee, is interested in both traditional and non-traditional forms; there are no restrictions regarding number of syllables or lines. For each previously published poem, please include the name of the publication, volume, issue, and year. [example: Frogpond, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2012] Poems should not have appeared in any other HSA anthology. Members submitting work are guaranteed to have one poem selected for publication. Email submission is highly encouraged.
Email Submissions: Send your work to, with "HSA2012: Your Name, City, State (Province), Country" in the subject header. [example: Subject: HSA2012: Billie Dee, San Diego, CA, USA]. Submissions should be embedded in the text of the email, single spaced, with one space between each poem. Please do not use columns or tables. If there are special formatting instructions, you may attach your formatted poem as an rtf, txt, or MSWord doc file. Include your mailing address and phone number in the text of your submission.
Postal Submissions: For those with limited access to the internet, submit your poems typed in a single column, five poems per sheet of paper. Please type your name, address, and phone number at the top of each sheet. Mail your submission to:
HSA Members' Anthology
c/o Billie Dee
P.O. Box 3095
San Diego, CA 92163, USA.
Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for notification of which poem is selected.
Book Orders: Preordering a copy of the anthology is not required for inclusion, but is encouraged to help offset costs. Price per copy: $14 U.S. postpaid in the USA, $18 to Mexico or Canada, & $22 overseas.

You can pay directly with PayPal at

For mail orders, please make checks/money orders payable to "Haiku Society of America" and mail to:

HSA Members' Anthology
c/o Billie Dee
P.O. Box 3095
San Diego, CA 92163.

Payment must accompany all orders.

For inquiries about the 2012 anthology, please contact Billie Dee at:


JOIN HSA today at Click on the PayPal button at the top of the page.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Reminder: Free Haiku Workshop Sunday

Exploring the One-Breath Poem:
Discovering Your Haiku-Mind
led by Billie Dee

Sunday, March 11, 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.

Open Door Books
4761 Cass Street, San Diego 92109
(Pacific Beach, corner of Cass & Missouri) ~ 858-270-8642
For a complete description, please see the announcement below. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Haiku Contests

Yuki Teikei Haiku Society: 2012 Tokutomi Haiku Contest
Deadline: In hand by May 31, 2012.
Eligibility: Open to the public.
Awards: $100, $50, $25.
Rules: 5-7-5, with one kigo from a list published on website.
HSA Harold G. Henderson Awards for Best Unpublished Haiku
Deadline: In hand by August 31, 2012.
Eligibility: Open to the public.
Awards: First Prize, $150;Second Prize, $100; Third Prize, $50. Winning haiku will be published in Frogpond and on the HSA Web site.
Submission Details: 

 HSA Gerald Brady Memorial Awards for Best Unpublished Senryu
Deadline: In hand by August 31, 2012.
Eligibility: Open to the public.
Awards: First Prize, $100; Second Prize, $75; Third Prize, $50. Winning haiku will be published in Frogpond and on the HSA Web site.
Submission Details: 

HSA Contest for Best Unpublished Haibun
Deadline: In hand by August 31, 2012.
Eligibility: Open to the public.
Awards: First Prize, $100; Second and Third Place, no prize money. Winning haibun will be published in Frogpond and on the HSA Web site.
Submission Details: 

HaikuNow! International Contests: Traditional, Contemporary, Innovative Haiku
Deadline: In hand by March 31, 2012.
Eligibility: Open to the public.
Awards: $100, $25, publication on Haiku Foundation website.
Submission Details: 

Kaji Aso Studio Haiku Contest 2012
Deadline: April 15, 2012.
Eligibility: Open to the public.
Awards: $250, $100, $50.
Submission Details:

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Exploring the One-Breath Poem:
Discovering Your Haiku-Mind
led by Billie Dee

Sunday, March 11, 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.

Open Door Books
4761 Cass Street, San Diego 92109
(corner of Cass & Missouri) ~ 858-270-8642

     This will be an overview for those new to or curious about the haiku genre, as well as more experienced writers who would like to expand their perspectives and workshop poems-in-progress. We will concentrate on the elements of contemporary English Language Haiku, a form poorly understood by most people who were introduced to haiku in school. The introduction will be followed by a 45-minute interactive comment and critique session of participant poems. Please bring recent work if you wish to participate in this part of the workshop. The overall goal of this session is to cultivate the haiku-mind, one that seeks and captures those epiphanic moments of awareness that arise from our everyday lives.

OPEN DOOR POETRY: San Diego's longest-running poetry reading takes place each 2nd Sunday of the month, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m., hosted by Jackleen Holton. Billie Dee will be a featured reader on 3/11, followed by an open mic.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Dear Haiku Friends,
I am very pleased to announce that scent of rain: the 2011 Southern California Haiku Study Group Anthology is complete on its way to the printer. From our first beautiful hand-made 2001 edition with eight founding haijin, we have grown to a volume featuring 62 poets. Our new book will be perfect-bound with a full-color heavy-stock cover, featuring poems in both English and Spanish (with English translations). This collection emphasizes our unique climate and geography, our rich cultural diversity, and the broad range of experience of our contributing haijin. I think you will be very pleased with the superb quality of work in this edition.

The Anthologies will be available at our annual reading and celebration at the Pacific Asia Museum, 46 North Los Robles, Pasadena, CA, on Sunday, November 20th at 2:00 p.m. There will be another reading in San Diego at The Ink Spot, the downtown gallery loft of San Diego Writers, Ink, located at 710 13thStreet, San Diego, CA, on Saturday, December 3rd at 1:00 p.m. Please mark your calendars. For those of you who have paid for postage, the books will be mailed Monday, November 21st.

Here is our roster of poets:
Lynn Halley Allgood, Don Baird, Karina Balderrabano, Ashley Baldon, Jerry Ball, Marcia Behar, Tom Bilicke, Darrell Byrd, Peggy Castro, Phyllis Collins, Joan E. Day, Billie Dee, Marcyn Del Clements, D'ellen, Pauli Dutton, Kimberly Esser, Kendall Evans, Olga García, Maury Garnholz, Victor P. Gendrano, Risa Goldberg, Liz Goetz, Anita Guenin, William Hart, Maura Harvey, MargaretHehman-Smith, Una Nichols Hynum, Gloria Jaguden, Oleg Kagan, D.J. Keddy, Patricia Kelly, Deborah P. Kolodji, Sean Kolodji, Elva Lauter, Marie Lecrivain, Gregory Longenecker, Eve Luckring, Janis Albright Lukstein, Seretta Martin, Frances Ruhlen McConnel, Aida Mendez, Christine Moore, Naia, Genie Nakano, Ruth Nolan, Victor Ortiz, Melinda Palacio, Wendy Rathbone, Beki Reese, Brosnan Rhodes, Susan Rogers, Dan Spurgeon, Melissa Spurr, Stevie Strang, Karen Stromberg, G. Murray Thomas, Beverly A. Tift, Megan Webster, Kath Abela Wilson, James Won, Wendy Wright.

For those of you who have not yet ordered copies, please be aware that there will no second printing. This full-size poetry book would ordinarily retail for $15, but is available to contributors at the generously discounted pre-publication price of $8 for the first copy, $6 for each copy thereafter. They make wonderful holiday and thank-you gifts. To order your copies, or to add to your current order, please make your check out to SCHSG and mail to:
Haiku Anthology
c/o D. Kolodji
10529 Olive St.
Temple City, CA 91780
 Be sure to add postage of $2.75 for the first book, plus $0.85 for each additional copy if you will not be picking up yourbook(s) at one of our readings. If there are any questions, please contact usat

Congratulations to all of us on our 11th Anniversary Edition!

--Billie Dee, editor

Saturday, March 12, 2011


click to join HSA

Haiku Society of America
Quarterly Meeting
March 25 - 27, 2011 in San Diego, CA

Hosted by Haiku San Diego
Co-chairs: Naia and Billie Dee

Friday March 25, 2011

7:00 - 9:00 p.m.: Informal Meet and Greet at Billie Dee's house, hors d'oeuvres provided.
2440 C Street, San Diego, CA 92102: between 24th and 25th Streets on Golden Hill, pink two-story house on the north side of the street. (619) 929-6688.

Saturday March 26, 2011

11:00 a.m.:  Meet at San Diego Writers, Ink (The Ink Spot), 710 13th Street, Suite 210, San Diego, CA 92101. At building entrance follow directions to ring the studio; we'll buzz you in.
Pay-for parking lot located diagonally across from building.
Note: Bring a sack lunch or walk to Albertson's Deli during lunch break.

11:15 a.m.:  Ce Rosenow, President, Haiku Society of America:  HSA Board Meeting Report-out, HSA organization and information.

11:50 a.m.: Attendee Self-introductions and Read-around.
One haiku or very short haibun (several sentences only). If time permits, we'll read around twice.

12:30-1:30 p.m.:  No-host brown-bag lunch on site.
Bring your own brown-bag lunch or walk one block to Albertson's Deli.

1:45-2:30 p.m.:  "Haiku and Presence " by Dan Spurgeon, M.D., palliative care physician and poet.
The practice of mindful poetry; how mindfulness, presence, transience, and wabi-sabi in haiku inform the practice of palliative medicine; and how practice as a palliative care physician integrates with my own practice as a haijin.

2:30-2:45 p.m.:  Break.

2:45-3:30 p.m.: "A Haiku Walk in an Imagined Landscape: Writing Scifaiku" by Deborah P. Kolodji.
Why write scifaiku? Can authentic moments become even more real in an imagined place? The president of the Science Fiction Poetry Association will explore the universe of speculative haiku and techniques of writing it.

3:30-3:45 Break.

3:45-4:45 p.m.: "Spanish Language Haiku from Both Sides of the Border" byOlga Garcia, Megan Webster; and Ce Rosenow.
A reading of Spanish-language haiku with English translations.

5:00 p.m.: Meet at "The Big Kitchen Cafe" for no-host banquet.
3003 Grape Street, San Diego CA 92102
(cash or check only)  directions:

After Dinner:  Evening gathering; dessert at Billie Dee's home (See map above.); Anonymous Haiku Workshop (Bring your own work-in-progress to work on.)

Sunday March 27, 2011

10:45 a.m.:  Meet at Japanese Friendship Garden in Balboa Park (next to the Organ Pavilian).
2215 Pan American Road. E., San Diego, CA 92101
Opens Sunday at 10:00 a.m., Admission $4.00/adult; $3.00/senior 65+,students and military with ID.

11:00 a.m. - Noon:  Docent Tour of the Japanese Friendship Garden, highlighting Japanese aesthetic principles and how they apply to maintaining an authentic Japanese garden. The cherry trees will be in peak blossom!

12:30 p.m.: No-host lunch at The Prado Restaurant,  Located in the historic Spanish-colonial Prado Building in Balboa Park, The Prado Restaurant is one of San Diego's finest nouveau-cuisine restaurants.

2:00 - 3:00 p.m.: Spreckles Organ Concert by Jared Jacobsen. Free.
Get some sun on your Bach with this open-air Pipe Organ Concert by internationally renowned organist Jared Jacobsen.

3:00 - 5:00 p.m.: Ginko Walk through Balboa Park
Printable map: .        
Balboa Park is a large, historic botanical wonderland, with an artists' village, street performers, museums galore, and more. It was the site of the First World's Fair: The 1915-16 Panama-California Exposition.

3:15 p.m.:  Meet at the Organ Pavilion to Share Haiku from the Ginko Walk.


Email your travel itinerary (to include who, when and where) in advance to Naia and/or Billie Dee so we can arrange transportation to and from the San Diego Airport or Amtrak station if you need it.

San Diego Writers, Ink (at The Ink Spot) is walking distance from some hotels; other locations listed in the weekend schedule are a short car-ride away. Haiku San Diego volunteers will provide transportation to out-of-towners.

Marriott Hotel
For more options, Google "san diego gaslamp quarter hotels."

Billie Dee:

Monday, February 7, 2011

Reminder: Haiku Workshop this Saturday

Naia and Billie Dee will lead a haiku workshop this Saturday, February 12, 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. at The Ink Spot , 710 13th St., San Diego.

The topic is The English Language Haiku Canon. This will be an interactive discussion of seminal work from Cor van den Heuvel's The Haiku Anthology -- poems that have shaped and solidified the haiku movement in North America the last two decades.  This will be followed by a haiku-writing walk (ginko) through the East Village neighborhood, plus in-depth anonymous workshopping of our fresh work.

This should be a lively, interactive discussion. If you are uncomfortable with writing on the spot, feel free to bring some recent haiku of your own to workshop.

Please note: You do not need to participate in other workshops in this series to attend this one.

Remember to register online with San Diego Writers, Ink at:
cost: $35/members; $40/non-members

We look forward to seeing you there!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

2011 Haiku Workshop Series

Announcing a three-part haiku workshop series: Presented by Naia and Billie Dee, co-founders of Haiku San Diego at The Ink Spot, 710 13th St. in downtown San Diego's East Village (loft space of San Diego Writers Ink.

This will be an overview for those new to or curious about the haiku genre, as well as more experienced writers who would like expand their perspectives and workshop poems-in-progress. We will concentrate on contemporary English Language Haiku (ELH): current trends and developments, as well as derivative genres, beginning with the elements of the form—poorly understood by most people who were introduced to haiku in school. There will be writing exercises and interactive comments and critique in each session, i.e., a very “hands-on,” “learn-by-doing” approach. The overall goal of this series is to develop a haiku-mind, one that seeks and captures those epiphanic moments of awareness that arise from our everyday lives.

Session One: Saturday, January 8, 2011, 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. The Elements of Haiku: form (length, lineation, punctuation, presentation), season-words (kigo), pause (kireji), juxtaposition, voice, focus and moment. There will be in-session writing exercises, an ad lib questions-and-answers session, and presentation of materials for further study. Prior to this workshop, please read the current issue of The Heron’s Nest, an excellent online haiku journal published quarterly at:

Session Two: Saturday, February 12, 2011, 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. Spinning the Classics in English-Language Haiku. We will study examples from the ELH canon, exploring a bit of the Japanese history that underpins contemporary writing trends, as well as the concepts of wabi, sabi, and yugen. There will be a brief haiku-walk (ginko) through the East Village with quick, on-site writing exercises, followed by an anonymous interactive workshop of fresh work.

Session Three: Saturday, March 12, 2011 – 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. Modernist Haiku and Related Forms / learning to break the rules. We will study examples of Post-Modern and surreal haiku (gendai haiku), contemporary trends, directions, and controversies, followed by some imaginative and fantastic writing of our own. We will also briefly explore several other Japaniform genres: Haibun (prose and haiku), Haiga (pictures and haiku), Rengay (linked collaborative verse), as well as the venerable Tan Renga. Please read a few issues of the online modernist publication Roadrunner Haiku Journal at


NAIA is a fifth generation native Californian. She attended college at California State Polytechnic University (Cal Poly) in San Luis Obispo. Naia's poetry and haiga have appeared in books, antho-
logies, e-journals, newsletters, and magazines in the U.S. and internationally. She belongs to a number of haiku and tanka poetry associations, is a long-standing member of the Southern California Haiku Study Group (SCHSG), and is co-founder of Haiku San Diego. Naia edited two SCHSG Haiku Anthologies: above the tree line in 2008, and shell gathering in 2009. She currently serves as Haiku Society of America Regional Coordinator for California. Naia's website, featuring some of her published work:

BILLIE DEE is the former Poet Laureate of the U.S. National Library Service. She earned her doctorate at the University of California at Irvine, and has worked for the last 25 years as a writer and multi-media artist.  Co-founder of Haiku San Diego, she is very active in the Southern California poetry community, as well as international collaborative-poetry groups.  Although she publishes in a variety of genres, her main focus is on haiku and related Japanese forms. Billie’s recent projects include editing An Island of Egrets: the Southern California Haiku Study Group Anthology, as well as generating enthusiasm for haiku through workshops and readings. Billie publishes both online and off.  You can visit her web portal at

To enroll, please go to the San Diego Writers, Ink website and register online. Cost: $35/SDWI member, $40/non-member. Contact Billie Dee at if you have any questions.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Haiku Society of America meeting March 26-27


Ce Rosenow, president of the Haiku Society of America (HSA), has asked Haiku San Diego to host HSA officers and colleagues in their first-quarter 2011 national meeting, Saturday March 26th and Sunday March 27th, 2011.

Haiku San Diego is one of the newest haiku groups in the United States, and HSA officers are eager to meet and interact with us, to experience our part of the world, and to share in our energy and haiku enthusiasm.

Saturday's program is evolving and not yet ready to be announced, but will involve introductions, presentations, interactive dialogue, and readings. We'll plan a no-host dinner at a restaurant local to the meeting site (TBA). For Sunday we'll plan a ginko walk, followed by a no-host lunch. There "may" be a Friday night (March 25th) welcoming activity, as yet to be discussed.

FOR NOW, please reserve the weekend of March 25, 26, and 27 and plan to attend this major quarterly event. It's a great opportunity to meet some of our HSA officers, each an accomplished haiku poet . . . like Ce Rosenow (HSA President), Michael Dylan Welch (HSA 1st Vice President), Angela Terry (HSA Secretary), and Susan Antolin (HSA Newsletter Editor) . . . and possibly more.

We of course specially invite and welcome members of our sister group to the north, the Southern California Haiku Study Group. And, we will also let members of the Yuki Teikei Haiku Society, Haiku Poets of Northern California, and the Central Valley Haiku Club know of this gathering in hopes that other of our fellow haiku poets might join us.

Please make an extra special effort to attend as much of the weekend's activities as possible. We'll keep you posted as plans come together.

Warm regards to all,

Naia and Billie Dee

Saturday, August 14, 2010

an island of egrets... the 2010 SCHSG Anthology is going to press!

Dear Haiku Friends,

I am very pleased to announce that an island of egrets... the 2010 Southern California Haiku Study group Anthology is complete and ready to go to the printer. From our first beautiful hand-made 2001 edition with eight founding haijin, we have grown to a volume of 65 poets. Our new book will be perfect-bound with a full-color heavy-stock cover, featuring 267 poems, including a fine selection of regional Spanish Language haiku with English translations. This collection emphasizes our unique climate and geography, our rich cultural diversity, and embraces the broad range of experience of our contributing haijin. I think you will be very pleased with the superb quality of work in this, our 10th Anniversary Edition!

The Anthologies will be available at our annual reading and celebration at the Pacific Asia Museum, 46 North Los Robles, Pasadena, CA, on Sunday, Sept. 26th at 2 p.m. There will be another reading in San Diego at The Ink Spot, the downtown gallery loft of San Diego Writers, Ink, located at 710 13th Street, San Diego, CA, on Saturday, October 9th at 2 p.m. Please mark your calendars. For those of you who have paid for postage, the books will be mailed Monday, Sept 27th.

Here is our roster of poets:

Michael Angerman, Ashley Baldon, Jerry Ball, Marcia Behar, Tom Bilicke, Paty Blake, Darrell Byrd, Peggy Castro, Elizabeth Cazessus, Marcyn Del Clements, Phyllis Collins, Joan E. Day, Billie Dee, D'ellen, James Robert Dunn, Pauli Dutton, Kimberly Esser, Hadia Farfan, Linda Galloway, Olga Garcia, Claudia Barreda Gaxiola, Victor P. Gendrano, John Gentry, Risa R. Goldberg, Anita Guenin, William Hart, Margaret Hehman-Smith, Una Nichols Hynum, Gloria Jaguden, Oleg Kagan, Patricia Kelly, Karen Kenyon, Deborah P. Kolodji, Sean Kolodji, Daniel E. Lambert, Elva Lauter, Stephanie Leuer, Greg Longenecker, Eve Luckring, Ed Lukstein, Janis Lukstein, Frances Ruhlen McConnel, Seretta Martin, Juan Martínez, Carrie Moniz, Liz Myers-Chamberlin, Naia, Genie Nakano, Ruth Nolan, Victor Ortiz, Brosnan Rhodes, Susan Rogers, Thomas Spann, Melissa Spurr, Stevie Strang, Karen Stromberg, Judith Terzi, G. Murray Thomas, Maja Trochimczyk, Megan Webster, Elizabeth Yahn Williams, Kathabela Wilson, James Won, Wendy Wright, An Xiao

For those of you who have not yet ordered copies, please be aware that there will no second printing. This full-size poetry book would ordinarily retail for $15, but is available to contributors at the generously discounted pre-publication price of $8 for the first copy, $6 for each copy thereafter. They make wonderful holiday and thank-you gifts. To order your copies, or to add to your current order, please make your check out to SCHSG and mail before August 20th to:

Haiku Anthology
PO Box 620457
San Diego, CA 92162

Be sure to add postage of $2.75 for the first book, plus $0.85 for each additional copy if you will not be picking up your book(s) at one of our readings. If there are any questions, please contact me before August 20th at

Congratulations to all of us on our 10th Anniversary Edition!

Billie Dee, editor
2010 Southern California Haiku Study Group Anthology

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Twilight Ginko -- Thursday, 7/8/10

Thursday, June 8th at 7:00 p.m. -- Join us for an outdoor poetry-writing session at the historic Marston House Gardens, an elegant early 20th Century Craftsman estate adjoining the north end of Balboa Park. This will be a quiet, contemplative visit emphasizing on-site haiku composition and kigo gathering.

Members of Haiku San Diego will guide you through the pleasures of a traditional ginko, giving focused attention to our own human presence in an historic landscape, and to the craft of composing "plein air" poems. The visit should take about 45 minutes, followed by a voluntary read-around of our new work at a local restaurant. We will also be collecting Summer season-words/phrases (kigo) for the San Diego region.

There are numerous canyon hiking trails adjacent to the Marston House for the more adventurous. which will require a little hill-climbing and sturdy shoes. It might become cool after sundown, so a sweater or light jacket is a good idea.

We will meet on the corner of 6th Avenue and Upas Street, located at the north end of Balboa Park (Hillcrest neighborhood). From Interstate 8, take 163 South to the University Street Exit, which will put you on 6th Ave. Park in one of the free lots at the north end of Balboa Park, or along 6th Avenue. The Marston House is just one block east. Please check GOOGLE MAPS for address 3525 7th Ave, San Diego, CA 92103 for more complete directions.

Look for the Haiku San Diego sign.

We will repeat our twilight walks every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month.

July 22: San Diego Bay waterfront stroll -- briny breezes and a good photo op for historic ships.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Caravan to Pasadena - 7/17

The Southern California haiku Study Group meets every 3rd Saturday of the month at the Pacific Asia Museum in Pasadena

Courtyard at the Pacific Asia Museum, Pasadena, CA

The next meeting will be Saturday July 17, 2010, featuring guest speaker David Lanoue from Xavier University in New Orleans. Professor Lanoue is a well-known haiku scholar and noted translator of Issa. []

 As always, there will be a read-around of poems to start the meeting, either your own or some you've recently read that you admire. We will also be gathering regional kigo (season words, phrases) for the month of July. Think about what is in bloom, what events are happening that are unique to the month of July, what patterns of the sky and weather characterize this month in Southern California. A few examples: Independence Day, jellyfish, Dog Star, grapefruit, hibiscus.

If you would like to caravan from San Diego to the meeting, please contact Billie at We will leave Saturday by 9:30 a.m., return around 9:00 p.m.

SCHSG meeting every 3rd Saturday of the month, 2-4 p.m. 
Pacific Asia Museum 
46 North Los Robles, Pasadena, CA 91101 
(626) 449-2742
Register at the main desk as part of the haiku group. Be sure to pick up a parking lot token.